National legislation on ambient air quality

Air Quality Law no. 104/2011

Law no. 104/2011 on ambient air quality


Government Decision no. 257/2015

Government Decision no. 257/2015 approving the Methodology for the development of air quality plans, short-term action plans and air quality management plans

Government Decision no. 336/2015

Government Decision no. 336/2015 for the amendment of annexes no. 4 and 5 to Law no. 104/2011 on ambient air quality

Order of the Minister no. 1206/2015

Order of the Minister of Environment, Waters and Forests no. 1206/2015 for the approval of the lists of administrative-territorial units established following the inclusion in the management regimes of the areas and agglomerations listed in Annex no. 2 to Law no. 104/2011 on ambient air quality

Order of the Minister no. 36/2016

Order of the Minister of Environment, Waters and Forests no. 36/2016 for the approval of the lists of administrative-territorial units drawn up following the classification in the zones for assessment of the areas and agglomerations listed in Annex no. 2 to Law no. 104/2011 on ambient air quality

Government Decision no. 806/2016

Government Decision no. 806/2016 for the amendment of annexes no. 4, 5, 6 and 7 to Law no. 104/2011 on ambient air quality

Decision no. 598/2018

Decision 598/2018 regarding the approval of the lists of administrative-territorial units drawn up following the inclusion in the management regimes of the areas in the zones and agglomerations listed in Annex no. 2 to Law no. 104/2011 on ambient air quality